Monday, June 18, 2012

Yes, I KNOW!

Kids!  I have 6 of them.  Their ages are 16, 13, 12, 10, 3 and 10 months (as of this posting).

Here I am walking around Target with Baby Ed on my hip, and some very nice lady says: "He is so cute!"
Me: Thank you
Nice Lady: Cherish every moment.  They are only this age once.
Me: Oh I know.  He has 5 older siblings.
Nice Lady: WHAT?
Me: Yes, he is one of 6.
Nice Lady: How old are you?
Me: 32???  (Why do people get personal?  Why is it any of her business how old I am???)
Nice, Nosy Lady:  You do know what causes that, Right? (Giggle)
Me: Yes ma'am, I do.
Nice VERY Nosy Lady: Are you going to have any more?
Me: I don't know.  We will see!

For the record, I do, IN FACT, know what causes babies!  I am known as Fertile Myrtle in certain circles.  I also will not be having any more babies.  This Momma is DONE!  

Why are people so flippin' nosy?  Why is it any of their business how many children I have?

Well, I get this kind of stuff daily!  This is just LIFE AS I KNOW IT!

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