Monday, August 27, 2012

Mi Alpha y Mi Omega

The 2 good looking fellows are my Alpha and my beginning and my end.  They are my oldest and youngest children.

I did not do a whole lot before I had children.  I was barely driving age when Alpha (aka POOKIE) was born.  I, like the Pookster, went to a lot of tournaments and won a few trophies.  BUT, let me tell you that it is a lot more fun watching him than it ever was for me competing.

Alpha was almost driving age when Omega (aka EAM) was born.  So far, Omega is too young to like anything outside of toys.

I am blessed more than I deserve.  I have a very rich life with my kiddos and P-Daddy.  We have some trying times, but they are still a lot of fun.  And this is LIFE AS I KNOW IT!

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