Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5 Nevermind That...

I read this blog the other day, and it was so dead on.  The title "10 Things I Wish my Mother-in-Law Hadn't Said about My Autistic Child and the One Thing I Wish She Had" says it all.  Now, this is not about MY mother-in-law on my part.  I am going to say that she has never, once said any of these things to me. 

For me, this comes from other family members.  You have no idea how many times I just shake my head in agreement and say that low, "Yeah" just because I CAN NOT deal with anything else on that given day.  So, I have decided that I would do my own similar version.  

Mine is called: 5 Nevermind Thats...

1) He just needs more discipline.  (Nevermind, that his routine is more strict than anyone else's in the house.)

2) I understand, my 3 year old does that too.  (Nevermind that he is 10 and my kid is "Typical".)

3) I know exactly what causes Autism. (Nevermind that I am not in the medical profession in any way, shape or form.)

4) His diet is sooo poor, I am afraid he is not going to live a long life. (Nevermind that you are his mother, and that you really don't want to hear it.  Nevermind that you know his diet sucks.)

5) What are you going to do when he gets older?  (Nevermind that you sometimes don't always live "One Day at a Time" but by the minute.)

Sure, I could keep going.
The one thing that Leigh Merryday wanted her Mother-in-Law to say was, "You’re doing a great job.  It’s really going to be okay.  Now, what can I do to help?"  The truth is that is all most of us want!

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