Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Potty Training and a Teething Baby

We, meaning me, have decided that we, meaning me, are going to potty train WilliePMir.  Let me tell you that this is, NOT AT ALL, fun!  On top of that, EAM is teething.  Poor little guy, you can see the tooth under the gums.

Get this chair here.

TRUE CONFESSION TIME:  I forgot what it was like to potty train.  I know that Nick was a little older when he was potty trained, as was Cole.  HannieCole was about this age and HailNo was younger.  The older boys were harder than the girls FOR SURE! 

Now, my poor fellow EAM is having a hard time cutting this tooth.  You can see it there, just under the gums.  You can feel it, but it will not pop through. 

Ahhhh...LIFE AS I KNOW IT!!!

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