Thursday, August 4, 2011

Exercise of the Week --- Warm Up

Some people question if you really need a warm up, and my answer is always, YES!  Not only does it get your body warmed up, but many times, it raises your heart rate and burns calories (and that is always a plus)!  It is REALLY a must if you work out early in the morning.

Here is one of my quick warm ups:
March in place for 1 minute (no, I don't time it, I just count it out)
High Knee March for 1 minutes (like marching, but make sure your knees are coming up to at hip level)
Standing Quad Stretch-The quadriceps are the fronts of the thighs.  Stand up tall with soft (slightly bent) knees, bend one leg at knee, grab  ankle with either hand, hold for 10 seconds, repeat on other side.
Standing Hamstring Stretch-The Hamstrings are the backs of the thighs.  Stand tall with soft knees, bend at waist with a flat back, go as far as your body allows without any pain,  hold for 10 seconds.

I repeat the Marches and add arm presses, both out in front of my body and over head.

Another warm up I do to start my day, especially if I have a busy morning, and will not be able to work out until later in the day, is a slow walk around the block.  A warm up does not have to happen just before working out, or even if you are going to do a full work out.  I do a warm up every morning just to get some blood flowing to my brain!!!  It wakes you up better than coffee.

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